Little Travel Co.

The Little Travel Consultant. Helping You Create Memories. Based in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. The Little Travel Consultant is affiliated with Nexion Canada, ULC 100-235 North Centre Rd, London, On N5X 4E7 HQ Phone 519-660-6966 TICO Reg# 1549342 ~~~

Friday, 4 December 2015




Green or Sustainable Tourism has been described as managing tourism's impact on the environment, communities and the economy to make sure that the effects are positive rather than negative for the benefit of future generations (English Tourism Council, 2003).
Ecotourism differs from mainstream tourism in that it helps sustain, rather than exploit, the natural beauty and cultural diversity of tourist destinations.
The Ecotourism trend is taking off due to a new generation of responsible travelers who are increasingly unsatisfied by the artificial, packaged-paradise travel experience that most tour operators offer. Coming from modern consumer cultures, these travelers crave authenticity. They want to experience the culture beyond the resort, to step out from behind their camera lenses and have meaningful interactions with the local people.
Contrary to popular belief, ecotourism is accessible to everyone. Ecotourism is often wrongly associated with adventure and wilderness travel, and the popular image of ecotourists as youthful backpackers with dreadlocks can be misleading. In reality, many Ecotourism options are available for people of all ages and levels of physical fitness. And don't think you have to venture far from home - city, state, and national parks can be models of ecotourism. You can be an ecotourist just as easily in New York City as in Timbuktu.
For exploring your destination, ecotourism offers many exciting alternatives. In addition to well-known outdoor eco tours (trekking in the Amazon, biking in the Outback, or cruising around the Galapagos), ecotourism includes volunteer tourism. Some of these tours, awkwardly dubbed Pro Poor or Poverty Alleviation tours, give tourists an opportunity to assist in international aid projects, such as distributing food and medicine or teaching English to children. Other volunteer tours involve tourists in environmental projects: elephant conservation in Thailand or researching Mexico's endangered coral reefs.
Another off-beat option is a farmstay. Some farmstays are simply Bed and Breakfasts on a farm. Others educate their guests about organic farming techniques and allow them to participate in daily farm life.
More than green sentiments, what these diverse ecotourism activities have in common is a real commitment to sustaining the people, culture and wildlife that make their destination unique. But consumers should beware that the buzzword "ecotourism" is all too often thrown around carelessly. Many tour operators bill themselves as eco but in reality do not live up to the label. By making responsible consumer decisions before and during your travel, you can help change the face of tourism and make it a force for empowering people around the world, rather than exploiting them.
To get the most out of your ecotourism vacation, read up on your destination as much as possible beforehand. If you can study the language or learn a few useful words and phrases, even better. Travel slowly and immerse yourself in the destination and its people. Sit outside and sip a local beverage while watching daily life flow by, or join a group that allows you to contribute something. If it's safe, walk through the streets beyond the designated tourist zones and talk to the locals, who might appreciate the effort.
When you return home, you'll find that a new, global perspective can be the most valuable souvenir of all... more than any picture you snapped or trinket you bought on the street. 

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